My name is Rosie. I’m a 11 year old Whippet and I have a story to tell. My story is about the sadness, the magic of healing and finally the joy of wellness.
My story begins in 2009 when a tiny red spot was removed and biopsied. The diagnosis was Hemangiosarcoma that was already in my blood vessel My doctor said the surgery “bought me some time”. I was treated holistically with a home-cooked, no carbohydrate diet, supplements, herbs and Dr.Yoza’s Resonant Healing treatments. The cancer has been in remission for four years. I guess I wasn’t ready to cross the Rainbow Bridge.
Then on January 11, 2013 sadness struck again. I had an inch and a quarter size mass removed from my small intestine. The diagnosis: intestinal lymphosarcoma to which the surgeon said I would go downhill quickly without chemotherapy. After five weeks of chemo treatments, I went downhill rapidly with serious, life – threatening side effect and severe loss of appetite which made me look like a walking skeleton. I was hospitalized two days for dehydration.
A day after being released from the hospital, I went to see Dr.Yoza and again Dr.Yoza saved the day. After the first healing treatment, something miraculous happened-my hearty appetite returned. I no longer needed to be hand and forced fed. Meal times has again become the highlight of my day!The magic of healing has brought back the joy of wellness to my life.
On this day, June 11, 2013, I have been a cancer survivor for four years on the 2009 Cancer and five months for the lymphoma.
I, Rosie Okumura, end my story here but the final chapter is yet to be written. The Rainbow Bridge will have to wait for another day, thanks to Dr.Yoza.
Rosie Okumura