Dr. Raymond K. Yoza developed Resonant Healing based on many different Chiropractic techniques, quantum physics, energetic healing principles and over 30 years of healing experience as a Chiropractor. Dr. Yoza has simplified and made it easy where anyone can learn this system. |
Everything in the universe is energy and all energy vibrates. The earth, telephones, computers, plants, all objects, and even your thoughts and emotions are energy and they all vibrate. The state of vibrations and frequency at which a person or object most naturally vibrate is called resonance. |
Resonant Healing is when the healer vibrates at a specific higher frequency through intent, compassion, desire, love and gratitude. The healer will send a energy wave and will be able to access the patient through resonance and entrainment. The person receiving the treatment begins to resonate and entrain in response to that energy. The principle of entrainment is that a higher stronger vibration from one source will cause the less powerful weaker vibration of another source to lock into the stronger vibration of the first source. |
A higher vibration and the body’s own innate intelligence are the forces that unblocks and reconnects the brain to the body parts, so the body can heal itself. Every living entity is born with an inborn wisdom that knows what to do to heal and adapt to the environment to survive. We call this inborn knowledge Innate Intelligence. In a human being, it is the Innate Intelligence that tells a newborn baby how many times its heart should beat each minute; how to ingest and digest nutrients and eliminate the waste; how to develop and utilize white blood cells to fight infections. No one has to teach an infant these things. |
Your body has a powerful doctor (innate intelligence) that is present in all human beings. This Innate Intelligence is located in the brain and works like a computer and uses the nervous system and sends this life force energy to communicate and control how our body works. This life force energy permeates and flows throughout our entire body. This energy is known by different names, such as Ki (Japan), Mana (Hawaii), Chi (China), Prana (India). |
If there is a trauma to the body, whether it is physical, chemical or emotional, it can reduce or block the flow and communication of this life force energy through the body, causing symptoms and preventing the body from healing itself. The result is similar to putting a kink in a water hose. The water still flows through the hose, but not at full strength. Lack of proper nutrients, chemical additives in food and water, air pollution and stress will also interfere with the flow of life force energy. |
Science has determined we use less than 10% of our brain. With Resonant Healing we will be able to access the other 90% of of our human potential. A higher vibration and the body’s own Innate Intelligence are the forces that will bring change, healing and wellness. |