Name: Love-Lock
Age: Eleven
Breed: Silky Terrier
Medical History: January 2011, diagnosis of ultra sound examination. Terminal- late stage liver cancer.
According to the veterinarians there were no conventional therapies or medication that could offer Love any hope of recovery, much less a cure.
I was told that if she’s lucky, Love might live for another two weeks.
That was to be Love’s last visit with the veterinarian.
On February 14, 2011 Love started her treatment with Dr. Yoza. Today, July 15, 2011, more than one hundred fifty odd days has passed since that hopeless prognosis. Miraculously, Dr. Yoza healing energy treatment has enabled Love to bravely live each day and enjoy an acceptable quality of pain-free existence giving me love and companionship till this day.
With sincere gratitude I am humbled with Dr. Yoza’s compassion and loving kindness with all living things big and small.
Mahalo Nui Loa, Elaine T. |