診断: 貧血 2003年から長年薬の投与で症状を抑えていましたが、もはやその薬も効かなくなってきました。 ホリーは、食事を受け付けなくなり体は痩せて元気がなくなってしまいました。2008年の1月7日に動物病院で体重とPCVの検査を受け 結果が思わしくないのでDr.Yozaの治療を1度受けたところ 施術約3時間後に鼻や耳、肉球、歯ぐきの色がピンク色に変わりました。 その後もホリーは、眠り続け朝方3時頃目を覚 ますと私達を起こして食事を催促しました。 1週間後に2度目のDr.Yozaの施術を受け その後、2008年1月29日に動物病院でPCVの数値を調べましたら彼女の値は平常31%である事がわかりました。 |
【Dr.Yozaより】 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
飼い主がホリーの具体的な数値を見せてくれました。なんとか元気にさせたい思いで私の所に連れて来ました。治療後ホリーはぐっすり眠り、午前3時にお腹が空いて飼い主を起こしました。その後1週間後にもう一度治療をしました。合計2回でPCVの数値は平常になりました。ホリーのヘマトクリット値又はPCV の値(一定量の血液中に含まれる赤血球の割合を%表示したもの)は正常値が29-45%に対し、2007年11月27日の検査では、17%と言う数値になってしまいましたが 私どもでヒーリング治療を2回受けた後の検査結果では31%と言う平均数値になったそうです。 その後食欲も旺盛となり体重も増加し現在はとても健康な状態だそうです。 |
ホリーちゃんの担当獣医様から届きました感謝状 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1/31/09 Thank you for taking such good care of our patients. As you recall, Holly Hong is a 6 1/2 year old domestic cat. She is owned by our receptionist. We had treated her several times for an anemia problem. We suspected that this was an immune mediated disease that causes her body to destroy her own blood cells. Holly had another episode in November of 2007. She normally responds well to steroids and antibiotic treatment. This time her blood counts were very low and she was jaundiced from the breakdown of cells. She was improving slowly and then had a relapse in January 2008. She was losing weight and her appetite was very poor. Ardis took Holly to see you in January and saw results that evening. Holly slept for a long time and then started to eat. She continued to improve with each treatment. We followed her blood counts and within a few weeks they were back to normal. Blood Counts: 11/19/07 PCV 18% (normal 29-45%) Serum icteric (yellow) 11/27/07 PCV 17% Serum less icteric 1/7/08 PCV 19.5% Serum icteric After 2 treatments with Dr Yoza 1/29/08 PCV 31% Serum clear You have also helped us with several geriatric patients who had a variety of ailments. One pet had a partial paralysis and was not responsive to medication. He was able to walk after his energy treatments but eventually succumbed to his disease. The elderly patients had disease proceses that could not be cured but they regained a better quality of life after seeing you. All of my clients have been very appreciative of your caring and gentle handling of their pets. Your treatments seem to help their bodies to rebalance and some of the results have been truly amazing. You and your staff have been so wonderful in making time for all the patients whenever they needed to be seen. Sincerely yours, Sheryl L. Doi DVM |