Cushing’s Disease / Liver Tumor
Aloha everyone,
My name is Lady Sportster. I was born 14 years ago to doggy mom “Harley” and doggy dad “Davidson.” I’ve lived with my real mommy since I was two months old.
I am very down to earth and like everyone I meet. I have always been very active with a very hearty appetite.
A few years ago, I was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease. I will be on medication for the rest of my life to control my water intake and control my hormone imbalance.
In October 2009, my mommy noticed that I wasn’t eating much and no energy.
Mommy called my vet, Dr. Christine Miyasaki at VCA family hospital. For about a month I tried various different foods but I still wasn’t eating much, so “Auntie” Christine wanted to see me. “Auntie” knew that something must be wrong because I just loved to eat! When “Auntie” saw me she commented that I did not look good. I looked old and tired and that’s how I felt.
Mid-November I took a lot of tests. “Auntie” found a huge tumor attached to my liver. Although the radiologist believes it is benign, I am too old to go through intensive surgery. Mommy was very sad but she and “Auntie” felt it best to let me live the rest of my life as comfortable as possible.
Mommy was devastated. However, one week later Auntie Sharon called to say that Dr. Yoza had an article in the paper about Resonant Healing and recommended that mommy give him a call. Mommy was excited to know there was a possible treatment for me.
I’ve been seeing Dr. Yoza since the week of Thanksgiving. For the first couple of weeksI did not feel good the day after treatment. I had diarrhea and didn’t have much of an appetite. However I am now used to the treatments and I feel good, I’m eating, no more diarrhea, and I don’t drink as much water from my Cushing’s disease.
I have my spirit back, I love prancing around Dr. Yoza’s parking lot, my tummy is happy and I’m back to being my pretty self. Mommy can’t see my tumor but she is happy that I am back to my usual gasa-gasa (active), hoi-to-bo (piggy) self.
Much mahalo to Dr. Yoza for helping me feel better!
Arf arf, love, Lady Sportster