Infertility Prenatal Care
Baby Parker
My husband and I came to Dr. Yoza initially for treatments for our dog who had an advanced brain tumor. Although we eventually lost him to cancer, I believe the treatments made him more comfortable during his last months. I came for treatments myself after trying for almost two years to get pregnant. I started noticing some physical changes in my body and less than 6 months later my husband and I were pregnant! I continued getting treatments throughout the pregnancy and felt very comfortable the whole time. My only complaints were some back pain that additional body work took care of, and heartburn. I never experienced any pregnancy complications that so many women have and I gained only 27 pounds. At 40 weeks and 2 days, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy in a planned home birth with my midwife. He was quite the large boy at 9 pounds, 21 inches and a 15 inch head (he got that from his dad!). I had no stitches and considering his size my recovery has been amazingly fast. Parker is a very calm, happy, healthy baby. Everyone comments on how lucky we are to have such a calm baby. Thank you Dr. Yoza for all of the wonderful healing energy! Jill, James, and Parker |