Stroke / Vascular Dementia
My husband M suffered his first stroke in July 2010, resulting in weakness on the right side of his body, speech impairment and swallowing difficulty. He was discharged from the Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific in a wheelchair. He continued with outpatient physical occupational and speech therapy at rehab and became able to walk with a walker and was quite mobile and moved around independently at home. After being discharged from outpatient therapy, he enrolled in an exercise/maintenance class at Rehab, attending twice a week.
As time elapsed, M exhibited some negative behaviors (impatience , sudden angry outbursts, lack of interest in current events-until then he had watched the news on TV every evening overly sensitive to sounds, speaking less and not as sociable as usual) and in late May 2011 an anti-depressant was prescribed to help him cope with the stresses by the stroke. He became very belligerent, uncooperative and vocally combative. He started having sleep problems-kept getting out of bed, walking around at all hours and refusing to go back to bed. Another anti-depressant was prescribed, with similar results. He was taken off anti-depressant medication in late June. After hearing about Dr.Yoza from our neighbor, M agreed to see him for an evaluation. He started Resonant Healing treatments three times a week in mid June 2011, soon after he started taking the first anti-depressant. Shortly after in late June, he was diagnosed with vascular dementia, caused by the stroke. Dr.Yoza’s treatments seemed to help with M’disposition and over-all wellbeing. My daughter and I noticed that his negative behaviors were less frequent and less severe, especially after Dr.Yoza’s treatment. There were times we thought that his poor disposition and/or misbehavior was due to missing appointments with Dr.Yoza. In February 2012, M suffered another stroke that caused him to lose the ability to walk.He is now wheelchair-bound and is able to do very little with his right hand and he has lost all interest in participating in activities that require the use of his hand. His speech impairment and swallowing ability are worse. M stopped seeing Dr.Ypza after the second stroke and returned in late July 2012. Dr.Yoza continues to help him deal with the stresses of coping with the effects of his strokes and dementia. We see positive signs of his improved disposition and he says that he feels better after seeing Dr.Yoza. I am also benefiting. Caregiving is tiring and Dr.Yoza graciously allows me to catch a fast nap as I sit in a chair beside M while he is being treated. M often says that I go to Aiea to sleep. Everyone at the Place for Healing and Wellness is friendly, helpful and supportive. M・A・S May 2013 |